Stockings for Seniors

Stocking for Seniors 2020
Even though 2020 has been a difficult and unprecedented year, we are proud to say The Christmas Gala will be giving out at least 400 stockings this year to our elderly; more if you can help make this happen!  Just like last year, if you could help us collect items or build your own stocking, this would be most helpful.  We ask that all items go into a stocking and then place the stocking into a Christmas bag to facilitate less handling of the stocking.
EXAMPLES of stocking fillers are listed below, but please note that you can add things to make it the way you want.  Most of these seniors live in Nursing and Personal Care communities.  Please select one or more gift items:
Stockings for Seniors – FEMALE:
Pocket tissues, hard candy, fuzzy socks (with skid proof bottoms), combs, deodorant, nail file/emery boards, hand lotion, lipstick, nail polish, crossword puzzle/word find book (large print), notepad/pen, fun holiday items, crafts, jewelry.
Stockings for Seniors – Male
Pocket tissues, hard candy, fuzzy socks (with skid proof bottoms), combs, deodorant, nail clippers,  lotion, crossword puzzle/word find book (large print), notepad/pen, fun holiday items, crafts.

Thank you to DLFF Scholars. They had a donation drive at 9 schools (Holy Family Regional, Holy Trinity, Our Lady of Grace, Saint Andrew, Saint Ephrem, Saint Ignatius, Saint Mark, Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Charles Borromeo).  Last night they got together at Conwell-Egan School to have a stuffing and craft party. They filled over 200 Christmas Stockings for the Senior Citizens!  Wonderful to see the community give so generously of their time and donations!!